Car Accident Claims – Brighton Compensation Solicitors
If you have been involved in a car crash in Brighton and suffered an injury due to another person’s negligence, you could be awarded compensation. In many cases, that would be more than the initial offer any insurance companies would be willing to pay for your car accident claim.
Our panel of car accident lawyers** serve Brighton and are committed to helping local drivers get the justice and financial redress that they deserve.
In line with FCA Regulations, you are entitled – if you fulfil the necessary criteria – to make a claim for injury arising from a motor accident in Brighton to the Claims Portal. You do not need to instruct a solicitor and can submit a claim free of charge. Our panel solicitors will charge a fee for providing advice and submitting your claim. This fee may be up to 25% of the claim value plus VAT. We will be able to inform you in more detail when you enquire on 01273 052 044^.
If you call, we will give you a free and no-obligation consultation, so you know exactly where you stand. The call should take no longer than 5 minutes and if we believe there is a car accident injury claim or car crash claim then we will arrange an appointment with our no win no fee* solicitors.
What Does No Win, No Fee Mean?
Most of our Brighton car accident claims will be funded using a Conditional Fee Agreement. This is another term for no win no fee* and means that there is no financial risk to you should you wish to use our services. Many drivers receive far in excess of what they would normally receive when using a specialist car accident claims lawyer**, so please call today to see how we can help and support you.
It’s possible to make a claim for a car accident in Brighton if you were a driver, passenger, pedestrian, cyclist, motorbike rider, or someone who drives for public transport purposes.
To get started, just call us, but please note we will need details on your case if we are to be successful. We’ve outlined those factors in the sector below.
How to Make a Car Accident Claim
Our solicitors** and compensation team can help you, but you will need to make sure that you perform certain tasks first in order for us to increase your chances of success when making car crash claims. We’ve listed those tasks below:
- Call the police immediately
- Gather any documentation to do with the accident
The documentation would include aspects such as:
- Police reports
- Details on any witnesses
- Medical reports
- Details on your insurance company
- Details on any other drivers involved
How Much Car Accident Compensation?
Brighton car crash compensation amounts follow a similar pattern to the rest of the UK, meaning there are no set amounts and any compensation payments will depend on the individual circumstances. The car accident compensation aspects that are covered include:
- Compensation for physical injury (for example whiplash or head injuries)
- Compensation for any mental suffering endured
- Compensation for medical expenses and rehabilitation
- Compensation for financial losses and property replacement or repair
Car injury claim amounts will vary depending on the severity of your injuries. For example, the amount of compensation can range from £1,000 for mild whiplash to just under £100,000 for severe neck injuries.
Why Choose Us For Your Car Crash Claim?
With our knowledge of the local area, we are able to give the help and support that local people need in what can be a highly stressful time. In addition to that, our personal injury lawyers and solicitors** have over 10 years of experience in helping people to successfully receive high payments for compensation for car accidents.
You have nothing to lose by calling us today. We will happily give you a quick overview of how we can help you, what you might expect in terms of compensation for your car crash injury claim, and how long things will take.
Specialist Car Accident Solicitors for Brighton
To arrange an appointment with a car accident lawyer** in or near Brighton, or to simply find out how much crash compensation you could be due, then please call our hotline now. Our phone lines are open 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
Our team is dedicated to helping people living in the area get the justice and proper financial compensation that they deserve. Call us on 01273 052 044^ to start your recovery.